Quanti Principles of Sustainability and Social Responsibility

At Quanti, we recognize that success and innovation in IT are not only about developing cutting-edge technologies but also about the ability to contribute to a better and more sustainable society. Whether it's our approach to our own people, clients, communities, or the environment around us, we conduct business responsibly and aim to create positive added value beyond its traditional economic understanding.

Our approach is embodied through the following principles, which are deeply rooted in Quanti's DNA.

People First

People are the alpha and omega of Quanti. We create an inclusive work environment where everyone is respected and valued. It is essential for us that Quanti is a place where every voice is heard, and we are systematically building an open company culture. In today's world full of many stimuli affecting the human psyche, it is also important to pay attention to mental hygiene; we provide our employees with access to experienced psychologists, who they can use at any time. We continuously monitor the satisfaction of our people and try to adapt the culture and company environment to their needs.

Helping Others

We also actively participate in the lives of the communities in which we operate. Every year we dedicate a part of our capacities to support the non-profit sector and provide it with technologies that can operate much more effectively where needed. We are also active in the academic sphere, where we bring students insights into the practical parts of software development. We also give them the opportunity to gain their first real work experience at Quanti, which can be a crucial springboard in their career, whether they decide to develop it directly at Quanti (which we always strive for) or elsewhere.

Our effort to improve the society in which we live is also reflected in our commercial activities. We actively seek clients for whom we can develop products with social added value. From applications for fire brigades and cultural monuments to educational software or, for example, distinguishing between the original photo and its edited form. We deliberately build competencies in this type of partnership and strive to be a solid technological support for clients who change the world around us for the better. We support our commitment by offering these services at advantageous conditions.

Respect for the Environment

The more Quanti grows, the more we must deal with the impact our business has on the environment around us. Sustainability for us is not just a word, but a fundamental principle that guides our daily decisions, whether it's traveling to clients, waste management in our offices, or catering at our events. We try to do all our physical activities that leave an ecological footprint in the environment as gently as possible, and our goal is to continuously improve and set an example in this.

Ethical and Transparent Management

Decision-making processes are key to sustainable development and the proper direction of any company. Quanti has a flat organizational structure designed to enable the broadest consensus, whether it's operational or strategic decisions. Decision-making is open and transparent, and all crucial decisions are effectively communicated across the entire company.

Proper management of Quanti is aided by an integrated management system (IMS) adopted based on the ISO standard system.

Valid from 13th of January 2023
Approved by Václav Podlipný